Samurai Siege :Top 12 hacks to lead your troops to victory!

Samurai Siege :Top 12 hacks to lead your troops to victory!

About Samurai Siege
Samurai Siege is a game from Space Ape. Strategic game in nature, this is available for both Android and IOS game geeks.and falls into the category of Clash of Clans where you can build your own kingdom, train troops and lead them to capturing your neighbors!

Game starts with a level 0 castle which you can upgrade to levels upto 12. All the other building units till the walls can be upgraded which gains more and more resistance to attacks.

There are also various troops you can build - which include Dragon, Fire Daemons, Oni Trolls, Essense Manager, Healer, Mongol, Samurais, Archers, Ninjas etc.

Hacks - There are several links in internet which leads to nowhere or malwares or viruses which promises with unlimited diamonds and resources. 


1. When you are in a battle, attack at once - use your troops in groups rather than using them in singles. Know your troops and plan in advance seeing the base of your enemy. Plot the vulnerable point where an attack will make your enemy more exposed to your troops.

2. Upgraded  Oni Trolls or Mongols against defense buildings. They can take more hits than archers or samurais. Using an upgraded Oni will confuse the defense units of your enemy. They can reach near the defense units and crash em like bubbles!

3. Upgrade your buildings -  As soon as possible upgrade your units. Make use of the carpenters always.

4. Reduce your honors - Honors will place you to the top list and also will expose/lead you to the top players. Keep your honors low so that you can combat with weak players.

5. Use Ninjas for easy treasure drift - Ninjas are super fast. Use them if it is coins or essense store!

6. Join right alliances and have a long term relationship - This will give chance for unlocking lot of benefits. Find a right alliance and be active with chats and donations.

7. Use bonus troops - Bonus troops are awesome! You dont need to cook your troops always. They are ready to fight when you land in a battle. Though they are expensive, will be very helpful in battles and are powerful too!

8. Use earthquake, freezing effects for your troops to advance - Using such effects wisely will gain control over the defense buildings to take them down and free movement of your army within enemy lines.

9. Keep your essense masters, healers behind Onis or Mongols - Healers and essense masters can cause serious damage to enemy but they are vulnerable for attacks so hide them behind Oni trolls or Mongols or legend bonus troops who can cover them.

10. Upgrade your walls - Walls protect you from being exposed. The most superior your walls are the more difficult for your enemies to enter in

11. Only upgrade your castle once your other units reach their highest upgrade level - There is a tendency to upgrade your castle as it is more beautiful as you climb up and alliances look someone with higher castle levels but if the other units are not upgraded you are as equal to low levels as you will not be able to defend or gain War Points(WPs). So plan wisely.. :-)

12. Upgrade your carpenter as early as possible - This is important as carpenters need to be at work always. Ensure your units are always under carpenter massage as it is time consuming and keeping them busy while you are away can yield you more benefits.

Good Luck and Happy Playing!

Setup GIThub in Spring Tool Suite(STS)

Setup GIThub in Spring Tool Suite(STS).

Spring boot is a latest framework which provides fast development features. For developers working on this will give a different feeling. STS is an editor from Spring which is built on top of eclipse.

Access Window>Preferences>Market place

Select All available from the drop down

Add the filter as git

Select the options for git collaborations and click finish.

Accept and click the finish button

You can also download and install it from its update site below,

10 Tips to improve your memory

10 Tips to improve your memory

1. Focus on what you remember - Take some time to think about what you need to remember, whether it is a list of names, chores, or items to buy. Spending a few moments actively processing your thoughts can make it easier to recall what you need to remember.
2. Link your list - Try to remember several things or ideas at once by linking them together in your mind. If you want to memorize your grocery list, for instance, connect the items you need together with a specific image or action in your head. Imagine you are in your laundry room holding a container of detergent , then walk into your kitchen to get some bread and milk, then move to the bathroom to replenish the toilet paper etc.
3. Personalize your lists - Organize lists into short, manageable sections, and try to connect items to something that's easier for you to remember. Improve memory by linking lists of numbers, for example, to personally relevant dates like your birthday or interesting historical dates.
4. Create a visual image - If you are trying to remember someone's name, visualize an object that will help remind you in the future. Think of summer for a woman named June or a cat for someone named Catherine.
5. Create Acronym - Train your brain to remember items in a specific sequence by creating a word to represent certain objects. Try using the first letter of each item on your shopping list to form a word. For example, MOST can stand for Milk, Orange, Soap and Toilet paper.
6 Use all of your senses to improve your memory - Afraid your are going to forget your next hair appointment or dinner with a friend? Verbally list your appointments out loud and then think about the softness of your hair after a salon visit and aroma of the food at your favorite restaurant to help solidify the dates in your mind.
7. Write it down - Even if you dont actually use your lists or a note to remind you of an appointment, simply writing it in a notebook or a paper will help your brain retain the information.
8. Create a rhyme - How did you learn the alphabet or the number of days in each month when you were a child? You learned them with the help of a rhyme or song. Try doing the same with important things that you need to remember such as days or appointments or list of things you need to do.
9. Repeat once before sleep - Before going to bed, go through the list of items you studies or want to remember in simple points so that it will be overwritten above the all the things your brain processed. This will help in recalling things easily.
10. Be positive - Always be positive and think that your brain can improve a lot by these tips. This simple thought will itself fuel your brain to prepare itself for storing fresh memories.

11 Ways To Remove Stretch Marks And Become Beautiful

11 Ways To Remove Stretch Marks And Become Beautiful

What are Stretch Marks?
Stretch marks can be an aftermath of several body conditions. The skins shrink on conditions such as you were faty and decided to lose your weight, or were pregnent recently and your belly was so streched to hold your yougone inside. This leaves marks in your skin where is elastic in nature and now you are worried of how to get rid of them.

Cause: Collagen fibre -a vital functional protien behind the scene and its level changes, has a direct impact on human body for this.

How to remove Stretch Marks?

Below are some of the important tips you can use to kick out the stretch marks
1. Olive oil/Coconut oil - Regular application of Olive/ pure coconut oils in the areas affected and give a massage.
2. Egg white - Causes tightening of muscles. Apply eggwhite and will give good results.
3. Potato Juice of potato, mash and apply potato
4. Sugar scrub
5. Lemon - Lemon juice can be applied direclty, This will also make the skin glove.
6. Cocobutter
7. Custer Oil Apply and 15 minutes after 30 minutes
8. Glycolic acid in sugar, grapes
9. Vitamin A containing creams
10. Oils such as Lavender, Cocononut, Olive
11. Drink Water - Drink lot of water. Water is a proven, superb medicine for several other diseases!

One day trip to Balaton Lake, Hungary - SIOFOK!

One day trip to Balaton Lake, Hungary - SIOFOK!

From now on, I will post few of our trips we had from Budapest. Many of those who are new to Budapest and planning a holiday has several such questions unanswered. I had to find out these from various sources and believe these notes will be helpful for those in need!

From: Budapest, Hungary
To: Siofok, Hungary
By: Train

Last weekend we made a visit to Balaton Lake in Hungary! We were three families consisting of 6 adults and 3 kids aged 6, 3 and 2.

Where to buy tickets?
Train tickets to Hungarian inner regions needs to be purchased from specific ticketing stations. In the city, Deli is the station where you can buy tickets. The trains to internal territories leaves from here.
Station : Deli Palyaudvar name

Fare: 11400HUF for all of us for one side

About Balaton?
A must visit destination within Hungary on a summer! The lake water is so clean and blueish that anyone would hesitate to come out of it! It is not deep in the shore area and children will really enjoy this. Go prepared with swimming suits, water balloons or any water games and is the place for it!

There are lot of shops and restaurants as well near by where you can do a shopping if you went unprepared and are cheap.

And oh yes Balaton is so full in summers and particularly when they organize seasonal festivals such as "Sound". All from kids to old will enjoy this destination,

Good Luck!

Top 5 Habits That Prevent Breast Cancer

Top 5 Habits That Prevent Breast Cancer

1. Getting involved in house hold activities

 Women need to do at least 30 minutes exercise daily which would 2o percent decrease the chance of breast cancer.exercise helps to increase the levels of hormones like testosterone and estrogen which helps to decrease the production of tumor cells.experts in the field say the easiest way for women to do exercise is to do  house hold work like cleaning.which will keep our house clean and will keep us healthy also.

2. Breast feeding

According to a study of world research fund the chance of breast cancer is 5 times less in women who breast feed than those who don't. 
The more you breast feed the less is the chance of breast cancer. The hormones which are responsible to increase the chance of cancer in a mother is decreased through breast feeding.

3. Alcohol consumption

 Use of alcohol increase the chance of breast cancer. try to decrease the use of alcohol.

4. Try to avoid night shifts

    According to the researchers a women who does 3 night shifts in a week for 6 years is at double risk. there are more to be researched in this field. more information would be there in the report published in 2015 according to the executives of uk health and safety .

5. Control cholesterol

 Medicines like statins which are used for the treatment of cholesterol are held responsible for breast cancer.


Cheapest travel options you should consider as soon as you Land in Budapest, Hungary!

Cheapest travel options you should consider as soon as you Land in Budapest, Hungary!

Are you planning to visit one of the beautiful city in Central Europe? Here are few things you should keep in mind.

Travelling via Air?

Landing location - Budapest airport 

Name : Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport (Hungarian: Budapest Liszt Ferenc Nemzetközi Repülőtér)
Former Name : Budapest Ferihegy International Airport
Also known as : Ferihegy
Distance from City: Around 16 Kilo meters.

Travelling options to Budapest City from Airport

Not having lot of luggage? Cheapest - take a day pass aroud 1500HUF(1 Euro is around 300HUF) or a 3 day pass or a monthly pass for around 30Euros(best if your stay is longer than a week)
Bus no. 200E is operating frequently connecting the airport to metro(M3) at Kőbánya-Kispest Metro Station.
Hire a taxi - To city, around 8000HUF or more depending on where you stay.

From Kőbánya-Kispest Metro Station to you can take M3 or come out and consider bus options from the big bus station nearby!

The travel pass is valid all over Budapest, in Bus, Metro, Trams and even in boat service!!!

It is one of the best spots in the world for enjoying nature's best portrait of life and should never miss it! Happy Journey! :-)

8 Nice Quotes!

8 Nice Quotes!

1. God cant be anywhere thats why he created MOTHERS!
2. If you cant resolve A Problem with Money then it is not a problem, it is an EXPENSE!
3. God has given us 2 ears and one mouth to talk less and listen MORE!
4. It is better to die of laughter than from Fright!
5. Experience is the word that people use to describe their MISTAKES!
6. Everyone complaints about lacking money, but no one talks about lacking INTELLECT!
7. Grey hair is a sign of old age not WISDOM!
8. As a person gets older, their vision gets worse, but they can SEE MORE!

10 important SAP HANA interview questions

1. What is SAP HANA?

SAP HANA is an in-memory computing engine(IMCE) used for real –time processing of huge

volume of data and building and deploying real world applications. Adopting the row –based

and column based DB technology. SAP HANA is an anvanced relational DB product serviced by

SAP SE. With this high- performance analytic system, the big data exists on the main memory

and not on the hard disk.

2. What is the development language used by SAP HANA?

C++ programming language.

3. Name the operating system SAP HANA supports?

More than 70% of customers run their SAP workloads on Linux with the use of SUSE Linux

Enterprise Server, which is the best OS choice for SAP HANA.

4.Explain Parallel Processing in HANA supports ?

Using the columnar data storage approach, the work load in SAP HANA is divided vertically. The

columnar approach allows linear searching and aggregation of data rather than two

dimensional data structure. If more than one column is to be processed, each task is assigned

to diverse processor.

5. Advantages of SAP HANA

• With the HANA technology, you can create gen-next applications giving effective and efficient

results in the digital economy.

• By using singe data-in memory, SAP HANA supports smooth transaction process and fault-

tolerant analytics

• Easy and simple operations using an open-source, unified platform in the cloud

• High-level Data Integration to access massive amounts of data

• Advanced tools for in-depth analysis of present, past and the future.

6. List the merits and demerits of using row based tables?


• No data approach can be faster than row-based if you want to analyze, process and retrieve

one record at one time.

• Row-based tables are useful when there is specific demand of accessing complete record.

• It is preferred when the table consists of less number of rows.

• This data storage and processing approach is easier and effective without any aggregations

and fast searching.


• The data retrieval and processing operations involve the complete row, even though all the

information is not useful.

7. List advantages of column based tables ?

• Allows smoother parallel processing of data as the data in columns is stored vertically. Thus,

to access data from multiple columns, every operation can be allocated to a separate processor


• Only specific columns need to be approached for Select query and any column can be used

for indexing.

• Efficient operations since most columns hold unique values and thus, high compression rate.

8. What table type is preferred in SAP HANA Administration : column- =based or row-based

Since analytic applications require massive aggregations and agile data processing, column-

based tables are preferred in SAP HANA as the data in column is stored consequently, one after

the other enabling faster and easier readability and retrieval. Thus, columnar storage is

preferred on most OLAP (SQL) queries. On the contrary, row-based tables force users to read

and access all the information in a row, even though you require data from few and/or specific


9. What is the main SAP HANA database component?

Index Server consists of actual data engines for data processing including input SQL and MDX

statements and performs authentic transactions.

10. Explain the concept of Persistence Layer?

The persistence layer in SAP HANA handles all logging operations and transactions for secured

backup and data restoring. This layer manages data stored in both rows and columns and

provides steady savepoints. Built on the concept of persistence layer of SAP’s relational

database, it ensures successful data restores.

Besides managing log data on the disk, HANA’s persistence layer allows read and write data

operations via all storage interfaces.

Top 5 Habits That Prevent Breast Cancer

1. Getting involved in house hold activities

 women need to do at least 30 minutes exercise daily which would 2o percent decrease the chance of breast cancer.exercise helps to increase the levels of hormones like testosterone and estrogen which helps to decrease the production of tumor cells.experts in the field say the easiest way for women to do exercise is to do  house hold work like cleaning.which will keep our house clean and will keep us healthy also.

2. Breast feeding

according to a study of world research fund the chance of breast cancer is 5 times less in women who breast feed than those who don't. 
The more you breast feed the less is the chance of breast cancer. The hormones which are responsible to increase the chance of cancer in a mother is decreased through breast feeding.

3. Alcohol consumption

 Use of alcohol increase the chance of breast cancer. try to decrease the use of alcohol.

4. Try to avoid night shifts

    According to the researchers a women who does 3 night shifts in a week for 6 years is at double risk. there are more to be researched in this field. more information would be there in the report published in 2015 according to the executives of uk health and safety .

5. Control cholesterol

 Medicines like statins which are used for the treatment of cholesterol are held responsible for breast cancer.

What is Plantar Faciitis? Causes and Cure.

What is Plantar Faciitis? Causes and Cure.

Heel Pain in the morning?

Caused because of Plantar faciitis, this pain is usually sensed at its high on morning wake up time.
For those who are having this disease will feel difficult to walk as well!


1. Body Weight is one reason - as much as increase in body weight causes pressure in foot, heel or angles!
2. Walking without chappal on surfaces like mosaic, marble etc
3. Rheumatoid Arthritis or Aamavata(Ayurvedic)
4. Unbalanced uric acid level
5. Diabetics

How to identify

The pain inside heel in a particular portion for patients is the root identifier for this disease,
Patients who are suspected to have this disease is recommended for an xray
If the xray report reveals the presence of 'calcanius spur', a spine like bone portion, is identified as the step to diagonose this disease


Phase 1
Once diagonosed, the primary aim of doctors will be to isolate the causing diseases in the patient
if identitied, will be treated after which the patient is provided with medicines for pain and swelling

Physiotherapy is prescribed to make the Plantar Facia to keep aligned in the right position.

Also to reduce direct pressure in the heels or legs micro cellular rubber or MCR chappals are prescribed to use regularly

Phase 2
As a second phase treatment for those still are not cured, a local steroid injection is prescribed And as a last step Calcanial spur will be removed through a small surgery.

13 Steps to Permanently Bypass/Skip iCloud lock/Jailbreak on iPhone 4

13 Steps to Permanently Bypass/Skip iCloud lock/Jailbreak on iPhone 4 

Here are the steps to bypass icloud lock on Iphone 4 


iphone 4(icloud locked)
GeekSnow application(download here)
Windows OS
Time taken : Roughly around 10-15 minutes


Step 1. Navigate to geeksnow application and right click and run as administrator(in windows)
Step 2. Plug your icloud locked iphone 4 to your laptop.
Step 3. Click on Jailbreak
Step 4. It may ask you to change your iphone to DFU mode.
            For which you need to turn off your iphone and press power button + home button and it will boot up the phone. After the apple logo is disappeared release pressing the power button but the home button. In few seconds the iphone will be changed to DFU mode.
Step 5. Once your iphone is turned to DFU mode, the geeksnow application resumes to continue with few auto closing consoles or pop ups.
Step 6. The phone will then be rebooted and it will show the connect to itunes animation will be showed after which the geeksnow will give a message to put the iphone into DFU mode once again.
Step 7. Put the iphone into DFU mode once again as Step 4.
Step 8. Your Iphone will be started with Apple logo on a grey background followed by a black console. Iphone will be booted after this
Step 9.  Geeksnow will still continue waiting for the operation to complete.
Step 10. Device will be turned off automatically.
Step 11. Geeksnow will ask again to turn your iphone into DFU mode once again. Follow step 4.
Step 12. Iphone will now again bootup with a grey back ground and Apple logo.
Step 13. Geeksnow will now give a message about the operation saying - This is a semi-unteathered jailbreak which can be converted using an application called pangu repo' jailbreak.

You are all set!

Top 5 Best Recipe Apps for iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone

Top 5 Best Recipe Apps for iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone

1. Bigoven

Loves to cook? but cooking always on a week nights or holidays are challenging?
Bigoven can help you - it is an award winning app  with half a million recipes submitted by real users and easy pre planned menus for any days and holidays

Enter few info about ingredients what you have and Bigoven can tell you what you can prepare.
Bigoven can also prepare for you a grocery list which is automatically sorted by your likes.
On your free time plan your week with the desired dishes which can be rearranged as and when you want, the app will help you with necessary grocery list which saves effort in noting down what is left in your fridge or cupboard.

It also allows  recipe clipping which will allow you to copy/photocopy dishes from other sources and save it to bigoven list thus to enhance your collection and share it with your network. A completely useful app with updated technology.

2. Paprika Recipe Manager for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Windows, & Android

Get really organized with this app! Jump into the various configured categories from Meal recipes to Sides, Baking to Breakfast or Appetizer to Cookies. It provides an option to search through several thousands of recipes with filters such as ingredients as well as source.
With a global groceries basket, it helps you also organize the kitchen shelves to fridges filled with only missing ones.
The application also allows you to import recipes or clipping from other sources such as websites. It can be installed or accessed from The user data is synced for a better user feel with multiple devices from phones to tablet.

3. Sidechef

Step by step cooking!

Sidechef is a nice app which has its Android and iOS versions and helps by delivering recipes with step-by-step instructions, complete with photos, videos and with an extra mile of voice instructions. Timers are built in so that you can follow along and keep your eyes and hands focused instead of a touch screen. Sidechef also provides browsing thousands of recipes and search based on various ingredients, diet, or cuisine, featured recipes.

4.Allrecipes Dinner Spinner

Allrecipies Dinner Spinner provides quick and easy access to all recipies of amazing collection of recipies, photos and reviews which are contributed by a community of more than 10 millions of home cooks. It is intended to help you take your recipies with you wherever your go.
You can search recipies you need by ingredients, dietary needs or your preferences. Each recipies are also followed with a cook time, step by step instructions, reviews and photos.
With thousands of detailed videos, cooking can be definitely a hassle free task.
Comes with a shopping list helper however you need to fill in the list based on the your requirements and can be handy while at supermarket.

5. All the cooks Recipies

More than just a recipe app, you can ask questions, interact with real people
Bookmark and plan your week
Website :

SAP Basics For Beginners

SAP Basics For Beginners

A Quick History of SAP

Started in 1972 by 5 former IBM employees
One year later, in 1973 released first accounting software which was called the RF which subsequently was named R1 release
In 1979, released the R/2 System as a result of new hardware and software from IBM
In 1991 SAP released R/3 was presented in the annual summit in Hannover, Germany. Due to its uniformity in GUIs, Client Server Architecture and better utilization of Databases, this release gained a wide acceptance. I was also possible to run this software in multiple operating systems.
In 1999, SAP announced mySAP connecting the back end ERP solution with front end ecommerce like systems.
In 2004 launched Netweaver, a new application integration platform which provided capabilities to integrate Enterprise wide solutions to SAP.
Current SAP focus is on real time data and introduced HANA Platform an in memory solution to deal with multiple modules/products of SAP to attain a greater performance when dealing with huge volume of data.

Top 6 Indian Restaurants in Budapest Hungary

Top 6 Indian Restaurants in Budapest Hungary

Indian Restaurants offers a wide variety of regional and traditional dishes native to India.
Early diet in India mainly consisted of legumes, vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy products, honey, and sometimes fish, eggs and meat. Indian dishes also include a variety of lentils (dal), wheat flour (aṭṭa), rice, rice flour to pearl millet (bājra) and many more, which has its origin from India.

Budapest like many other European cities also is host for several Indian Restaurants. Tourists and locals alike are always attracted to these delicious dishes and always is of a greater demand.

Below are the top 6 Indian Restaurants in Budapest

1. Indigo
Budapest, Jókai u. 13, 1066

2. Salaam Bombay
Budapest, Mérleg u. 6, 1051

3. Taj Mahal Indian Restaurant
Budapest, Szondi u. 40, 1067

4. Kohinoor Indian & Pakistan Restaurant
Budapest, Vaci ut 1-3 ,Westend city center, 1062

5. Bollywood Vegi Bar 

Address: Budapest, 50, Akácfa u., 1072
website :

6. Hathi Indiai Kifőzde

Address : Budapest, Frangepán u. 20, 1139

How to Setup Lyca Mobile APN

Lyca Mobile is a mobile virtual network operator operating in more than 20 countries worldwide:

How to Setup Lyca Mobile APN aka Access Point Names

To enable the LTE/4G settings in iPhone follow the steps as below

Step 1: Navigate to Home Page by pressing home button
Step 2: Navigate to Settings
Step 3: Select Cellular option
Step 4: Select/Enable LTE Switch
Step 5: Select Enable LTE
Step 6: Confirm LTE is enabled

Thats it! the LTE is enalbed to use!

Now you need to update your APN settings
Follow the below steps for the same

Update the details in the below section as



Top 6 best matrimonial websites of 2016

Matrimonial Sites of India 

A simple definition for Matrimonial Site can be an "accepted" or "regulated" dating websites ;-). A typical Indian marriage is outstanding with lot of factors compared to other world cultures from
traditions varying across religion, caste, ethnicity, language, region etc.

How does Matrimonial Sites work?

They say marriages are made in heaven. But then, there are also those made here on earth. Though an arranged marriage may feel like a prehistoric concept, such matches are still prevalent in society. This is  where a Matrimonial Site helps as a platform to meet the heavy demand of match hunt.

Matrimonial Sites allows users to register and upload their profile with details like professional background, family background, financial status, religious records etc.
Matrimonial websites are a great resource for parents looking for groom/bride for their daughter/son, for men and women, looking to find an ideal partner with an objective of developing a personal, romantic, or marital relationship.

The sites further provides features such as searching matches with various options, match makers, chat/contact the prospective matching profile to take things further

Top 6 best matrimonial websites of 2016.


As per today it ranks 111 in India and is a best bet for match seekers. Started as in 1997 by Anupam Mittal later changed the service name to laters
It operates globally and has presence in countries like Canada, UAE, UK & USA.
Provides lot of helping features for match seekers from setting up a profile to express interest on prospective matches. The service verifies the contact members to avoid any pit falls.


BharatMatrimony is one of the most popular matrimonial websites in India. Founded by Murugavel Janakiraman, who found his partner through the same website is also having a global presence.
It has a global rank of 1118 in India and provides various nice features to help the users. Assisted Matrimony is a personalized match making service, from BharatMatrimony, offered for busy Indian professionals who need assistance in finding a match.
BharatMatrimony pioneered the personal assisted service in 2008 with the launch of BM Privilege which later got renamed to Privilege Matrimony.


Jeevansathi started in 2004 by Info Edge has more than 60 lakh profiles and offers features such as free list, search, and express interest . Users have to pay get contact details
Present globally with separate services for Indians in the US, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Pakistan, Australia, Canada, Singapore and for NRIs.


Aimed for Keralites users, provides a nice, simple user experience in finding matches. Users can register in the website
by giving your basic information and contact details. An easy-to-use interface that combines tradition and technology is a meeting place for Malayalee suitors from around the world.
The portal promises a superior match-making experience with its excellent database, multimedia tools, online horoscope generator and add-ons like wedding site builder and blogs


Matrimonials is one of the India's pioneering online matrimonial service provider, offering best matchmaking services.
With ample database of thousands of prospective brides and grooms matrimony profiles, the website assist users to meet with potential life partners and
build lifetime relationships. User registration is free.


One of the "Largest, Most Trusted & Successful Matrimony Portal" as the website claims this with recognitions such as
Limca book of records for highest number of documented marriages online. The only service to have 100% mobile verified profiles & Millions of Happy Marriages.

Top 13 Benefits To Avail As A US Green Card/Resident Card Holder

Top 13 Benefits To Avail As A US Green Card/Resident Card Holder

Green Card - What exactly is it?

Wikipedia explains Green Card as "Green card also refers to an immigration process of becoming a permanent resident. The green card serves as proof that its holder, a lawful permanent resident (LPR), has been officially granted immigration benefits, which include permission to reside and take employment in the United States."

Green Card Holder

As per USCIS a Green Card holder or a Permanent Resident is someone who has been granted authorization to live and work in the United States on a permanent basis. As proof of that status, a person is granted a permanent resident card, commonly called a "Green Card."

Where as explains it as someone who has been granted authorization to live and work in the United States on a permanent basis. As proof of that status, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) grants a person a permanent resident card, commonly called a "Green Card."

In short you will be provided a "resident card" with several benefits. But what are they in effect?

Below are 13 benefits that you are eligible for as a Green Card/Resident Card holder

1. Almost all the legal rights as per United States Law. But No you cant vote as it is reserved for US Citizens and Puerto Ricans(Presidential elections)

2. You can Enter/Leave USA anytime you want without a need of waiting in a long queue of immigration check. And so no more reasons to do business with Immigration Officials at port of entry!

3. Stay anywhere in US - Yes any 50 states!!

4. Own Property - You can legally own properties, cars, firearms etc.

5. Work in any company - You are allowed to work for any company in US without a need for sponsorship. No need to worry if you loose your job, If you loose your job or get laid off, you don't have to leave the country. On visas like H1B, you have 30 days to find another job or go back.

6. Retirement Benefits - Social Security Benefits while at retirement after working 10 years or 40 quarters in US.

7. Eligible for government sponsorship on education.

8. Pay less for Tuition Fees than foreigners/other nationals.

9. Eligible to own a business - You can start/do your own business or start a company with few limitations

10. Family Benefits - Family can be benefited if you are passed away or out of job.

11. Continued stay - Your Childresn can continue to stay in US even after 21 and no student, work visas are required specially to study/work like when you are on a work permit/visa staying in US.

12. No need to worry about visa renewals which may turn negetive leading you to leave US.

13. Certain insurance companies love to see a green card for issueing health or life insurance.