What is Plantar Faciitis? Causes and Cure.

What is Plantar Faciitis? Causes and Cure.

Heel Pain in the morning?

Caused because of Plantar faciitis, this pain is usually sensed at its high on morning wake up time.
For those who are having this disease will feel difficult to walk as well!


1. Body Weight is one reason - as much as increase in body weight causes pressure in foot, heel or angles!
2. Walking without chappal on surfaces like mosaic, marble etc
3. Rheumatoid Arthritis or Aamavata(Ayurvedic)
4. Unbalanced uric acid level
5. Diabetics

How to identify

The pain inside heel in a particular portion for patients is the root identifier for this disease,
Patients who are suspected to have this disease is recommended for an xray
If the xray report reveals the presence of 'calcanius spur', a spine like bone portion, is identified as the step to diagonose this disease


Phase 1
Once diagonosed, the primary aim of doctors will be to isolate the causing diseases in the patient
if identitied, will be treated after which the patient is provided with medicines for pain and swelling

Physiotherapy is prescribed to make the Plantar Facia to keep aligned in the right position.

Also to reduce direct pressure in the heels or legs micro cellular rubber or MCR chappals are prescribed to use regularly

Phase 2
As a second phase treatment for those still are not cured, a local steroid injection is prescribed And as a last step Calcanial spur will be removed through a small surgery.

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