11 Ways To Remove Stretch Marks And Become Beautiful

11 Ways To Remove Stretch Marks And Become Beautiful

What are Stretch Marks?
Stretch marks can be an aftermath of several body conditions. The skins shrink on conditions such as you were faty and decided to lose your weight, or were pregnent recently and your belly was so streched to hold your yougone inside. This leaves marks in your skin where is elastic in nature and now you are worried of how to get rid of them.

Cause: Collagen fibre -a vital functional protien behind the scene and its level changes, has a direct impact on human body for this.

How to remove Stretch Marks?

Below are some of the important tips you can use to kick out the stretch marks
1. Olive oil/Coconut oil - Regular application of Olive/ pure coconut oils in the areas affected and give a massage.
2. Egg white - Causes tightening of muscles. Apply eggwhite and will give good results.
3. Potato Juice of potato, mash and apply potato
4. Sugar scrub
5. Lemon - Lemon juice can be applied direclty, This will also make the skin glove.
6. Cocobutter
7. Custer Oil Apply and 15 minutes after 30 minutes
8. Glycolic acid in sugar, grapes
9. Vitamin A containing creams
10. Oils such as Lavender, Cocononut, Olive
11. Drink Water - Drink lot of water. Water is a proven, superb medicine for several other diseases!

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13 September 2022 at 23:00 delete

Started using dermalmd within my first 2 months of pregnancy with twins and have been using it for close to 4 months now. I mix a few drops in with my regular store bought moisturizer 2x a day so it's not too greasy and so far, no signs of stretch marks!
